

Happy Memorial Day everyone! :) I spent the morning reading in the park and when I saw the flag flying at half mast I thought it was the most appropriate picture of the day. Thank you to all of those who have served our country -- you are not forgotten.



My new wardrobe for the summer. It is pretty much my entire paycheck from last week -- but they should last for awhile. Welcome to my summer of scrubs!



I took the liberty of tabbing all of the fun things that I want to do in Baltimore this summer thanks to the City Paper. :) It looks like a lot of fun!



This is how I was feeling after my first 12 hour orientation shift on the Mother/Baby unit at the University of Maryland -- haha. Tired and a little cranky! I think it will be just fine once I'm on my own, but orientation gets to be a little boring after the first 4 hours or so.



If you look closely at the side of the helicopter you will see that it says two beautiful words. ROYAL NAVY. Welcome boys, welcome.



Ashly, her friends Alice and Craig, Susan and I went to see the City Paper's Short Film Screening at the Patterson (an old theater on Eastern Ave). It was interesting to say the least -- we viewed the 11 videos that became finalists, and I actually voted for the one that won the distinction of being the audience favorite. I am so thankful to have friends that want to experience all that Baltimore has to offer. :)



So...we have this, um, ledge in our house. It is definitely not a balcony, but rather an unprotected ledge that is perfect to sit on. Tonight for the first time while sitting up there reading I actually took a good look around. I didn't realize that you could see Natty Boh from there, but you sure can. It is a fun place to just sit and be.



My new home for the summer and next school year. 1 day of orientation down -- 2 horribly boring days left. Upside -- getting paid to be there!



My first birth companions Mom, Rachele, with her son Kamren in the NICU. He was 36 5/7ths weeks, so a little early and is being observed. It was a good experience and nice to see her post-op.



Oh my god! So...after almost 17 hours with next to no food while helping our birth companions mom, Ashly and I were starving. Needless to say, we made horrible (wonderful) decisions with our food choices, and got pizza fries and disco fries from Sip & Bite. It was strange to be there at 1am completely sober. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones.



My first birth companions baby! :) He came into the world around 9pm, 3 and a 1/2 weeks early. Mom is doing well, and really appreciated the assistance that Ashly and I were able to provide to her.



Meet Reggie! :) He is my IMP student for next year. We were playing catch in the park. Please note his natural athleticism...I do not have that gift!



Look what I borrowed?! That's right, one of the few polygamist book club books that I have not yet read. Thank you A. Higgins for being so kind as to let me read it this summer.



I feel like Jessie, having my blog be all about shoes. However there is no patent leather here! The day after I bought my new tennis shoes, my new "fit flops" came in the mail. They are super supportive flip flops that also (supposedly) give you a little work out while you wear them. I'll let you know how they work out!



My new running shoes! I have been waiting to get these for about 6 months...and so far so good. :)



A big smile came across my face when I looked at our little "chore chart" and saw that TC (Tom) was the one who left the apartment so clean! :) Thanks Tom!



It took approximately 14 hours from the time I saw this sign until the time I saw the ground in Baltimore -- a long day of traveling. However, for those of you that haven't been to Iowa City, I just wanted to let you know that I believe they just may be the town that is the most innundated with school spirit -- hawkeye stuff everywhere!



Cassie did it! :) She's a lawyer (or at least a law school graduate!) So proud!



Someone is a big deal -- and that someone is my soon to be brother-in-law Drew(ster). :) He is Editor in Chief of the Iowa Law Review, and hence gets this sweet, sweet office. Looking good Drew!



Oh my goodness -- could I have been any happier?! Jennith came to visit me in Baltimore! :) Our visit was brief, but OH SO WONDERFUL! It was magnificent to see you Jen -- I am glad that everything is going well, and I can't wait to get together again soon. (A gentle nudge to all of my other friends out there that want a little trip to the east coast -- I would love to see you!)



Imagine my surprise when I walked downstairs and Susan was sitting in the living room wearning my winter coat and eating a chocolate covered banana! Haha. :) It has been unseasonably cool in Baltimore lately (but I doubt that the popsicle was warming her up!)



Guess what sisters?! Here it comes...a new little 1/2 Nurse Mix for you. :) Finals generally encourages multiple iTunes purchases from me. :)



There aren't many times when I can compare Benson to Baltimore...but today I had my opportunity -- I got stuck behind a train! :) From here it really does look a lot like southern MN -- just pretend that the building in the background is a grain bin, not offices. :)



Cutting through Port Street on my way home from studying for finals. Baltimore is rivaling an average day in Fargo today with its winds!



Our OB Clinical Group! Last day at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. It was a 7 week clinical, and we spent half on Labor and Delivery and the other half on the Mother/Baby unit.
Back row (L to R): Kim, Jessie, Katie J., Susan, Ashley, Gina.
Front row (L to R): Katie K., Anna and Michele (our clinical instructor)



Pretty pretty flowers outside of our neighbor's home. However, I still have a slight bone to pick with the Maryland pollen count and my newfound allergies! Ugh. Regardless, they sure are pretty to look at. :)



Feliz Cinco de Mayo! I mean really, what could possibly be cooler than a serape coozy?! Nothing -- that's what. The baked potato club at Birches came through once again! Yay for beautiful weather and good friends.



End of the Year Picnic! :) Delicious spicy food topped with a cupcake -- kind of random, but delicious nonetheless. Alright, from Left to Right (at table) -- Anna W., Tal, Allison, Kara, Tina, Lisa, Susan. (Standing L - R) Anna P., Katie, Hannah, Ashly, Anna M., & Kelly.



Oh, "story people." Throughout the years this quote has gotten me through some difficult and/or exciting times. Cassie gave it to me -- and I like to think that the two people in it are she and I. I feel like depending on what is happening in our lives we have changed which one was looking for the place to stand and which for the place to fly. I got a little sentimental today about the fact that Cassie is almost done with law school, and how she is now looking for a place to fly. It seems like yesterday she was a 1L -- and she will soon have her J.D. I am just so, so proud -- and will hold down my place to stand for now. :)



Saddest "photo of the day" to date...but I said that it would be a glimpse into my life, and let's be honest, laundry is a part of life. The sad part is that this laundry was done last week -- and it is still sitting in my room! I am putting the picture up in an effort to light a fire under my butt to actually put it away. :)



Happy May Day everyone! Today Anna M., Katie, Lisa, Hannah, Susan and I took in a wonderful night game at Camden Yards. AND -- we rode the water taxi. Two goals checked right off the Baltimore to-do list!