

It's hard to believe - but it has been a year since I started this blog. It has been a fun challenge, and I have enjoyed documenting a little piece of my life. Thank you to those of you that followed along for the year. Lots of memories were made - and now documented! Lots of love, Anna.



The patch that has cost me a lot of money - ha! I feel like this uniform is all that I wear as of late, and so I thought that I would give those of you that don't see it as often a close up view. :)



I received a wonderful tribute in the mail today, from one of my former RAs. She is doing her senior art show and has decided to mail out pieces of her work with a thank you written on the back. I was so touched by her kind words and will do my portion of the project in order for her to be able to complete the piece. I can't wait to see the finished product. Proud of you Maren!



I got to do a share day on the OHICU, which was crazy. The patient that I was able to observe came back to the floor with his chest still open. Umm, what? Yup. So, silly me asked what we would do should this man code, and the nurse answered that we would pull back the plastic sheath over his chest and massage the heart. Of course we would.



So, according to our running guide, Kevin and I needed to get our butts in gear -ha! So, today was the big day - and 8 mile run! We decided to go on the NCR trail - which stands for the "Northern Central Railroad." Kevin also told me that somewhere along this trail (not sure where) the funeral procession of Abraham Lincoln was held. Creepy, but ok.



The Charm City Roller Girls! These ladies were intense. They played the Detroit Derby Girls and won! :) I loved their names, such as "Deathany," "Rosie the Rioter," and my personal favorite "Just Carol." Haha - she didn't want to get in on the threatening name bandwagon I guess.



Nothing beats a morning walk through the park. Although I have yet to be inside of the Patterson Park Pagoda - it is on my list. They are only open Sundays from April to October - so I'll get there soon enough.